List of children taken hostage whose fate is unknown to date (with pictures).
List of formerly prisoners of war/hostage children who were later released.
List of missing persons from Agdam rayon
“Qətl edilmiş uşaqlar / Murdered children”, İlkin Şükürbəyli, Nəsimi Faiqoğlu, State Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan on prisoners of war, hostages and missing persons, 2017 (in Azerbaijani)
“Erməni Sindromu / Armenian syndrome“, Aygün Həsənoğlu, 2007 (in Azerbaijani)
“Bizi Əsirlikdən Qurtarın / Save us from imprisonment“, Esmira Orucova, 2006 (in Azerbaijani)
“Erməni Terroru – Armenian Terror – Армянский Террор“, State Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan on prisoners of war, hostages and missing persons, 2017
Geneva conventions from 12 August 1949
“İtkin düşmüş və əsir götürülmüş 3 min 890 nəfər Azərbaycan Respublikasının vətəndaşı /3 thousand 890 missing and captured citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan“, C. Cavadbəyli (in Azerbaijani)
“Haradasınız, itkin uşaqlar?! / Where are you, missing children?!“, Aygün Həsənoğlu, «525-ci qəzet», 14 aprel 2004-cü il (in Azerbaijani)
Useful links
State Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan on prisoners of war, hostages and missing persons